Belvedere Middle School Home

Home of the Olympians

About Us

Belvedere Middle School has been serving the East Los Angeles community since 1924. We are a place where students are provided with rigorous standards-based curriculum across all content areas. We are committed to preparing socially intelligent students for a success in college and career in a global economy. At Belvedere Middle School, we have a steadfast commitment to providing powerful and innovative instructional programs that embrace rigorous academic standards in a positive school climate. In addition to our comprehensive school, we offer a Technology Academy as well as two Magnets: Media/Communications Magnet and Latin Music Magnet. Personalization is important to our school community; students at Belvedere are provided with many opportunities in a safe caring environment to get both their social and academic needs met. Go Olympians!

News & Announcements

School Zone Safety

School Zone Safety

Help keep our LAUSD School Community Safe!
¡Ayude a mantener segura a nuestra comunidad escolar del LAUSD!

Join us for Business Days

Welcome new and returning Belvedere MS students! Get an early start and pick up your textbooks, class schedule, buy your PE clothes and lock, and tour the campus.

¡Bienvenidos los nuevos estudiantes y los que regresan a Belvedere MS! Comience temprano y recoja sus libros de texto, el horario de clases, compre su ropa de educación física y su candado, y visite el campus.



Our Mission

Belvedere Middle School provides students with rigorous standards-based curriculum across all content areas. We prepare socially intelligent students for success in college and career in a global economy.